ProStructures Help

Area Calculator and Place Text

Used to calculate area and place the area value as text in a design.

You can access this tool from:
  • Ribbon:Drawing > Analyze > Area Tools
  • Ribbon:Modeling > Analyze > Area Tools

Area display Displays the net calculated area.
Plus Lets you add up the areas of selected elements. Selected elements will highlight in Green color.
Minus Lets you subtract areas of selected elements. Selected elements will highlight in Red color.
Clear Clears all selection.
Place Text Lets you place calculated area as text in the design.
Prefix (Check box) If on, sets the prefix for the area text to be placed. You can type a prefix in the text box or select any saved prefixes listed in the drop-down menu corresponding to the field.
Suffix (Check box) If on, sets the suffix for the area text to be placed. You can type a suffix in the text field or select any saved suffixes listed in the drop-down menu corresponding to the field.
Key-in: atools < calc > [ addsub ]
Key-in: atools < calc > [ clear ]
Key-in: atools < calc > [ placetext ]